Saturday, February 1, 2014

We Not Me - Ours Not Mine

Why is it that as teachers, we are sometimes the worst role models in the world? We cut to the front of the lunch line because we are limited on time. We chew gum because we drank coffee. We use our cell phone because... and the list goes on and on. Yet, we expect our students to follow the very rules we struggle to follow as adults.

This leads me to my philosophy of education and the drastic change that needs to occur.  These are OUR students, not mine, and is about what WE do as educators and schools, not ME as a teacher. I truly fear that as budgets have become tighter and communities urge school districts to operate more like a business, we are going to only further hinder education by creating a greater need to isolate as teachers. Not to mention the adoption of Teacher Effectiveness in Wisconsin and its close relationship to pay increase.  Are teachers really going to share what they do in fear that their colleague may become rated better and earn more?

One of the greatest attributes of my Flipped Classroom has been the collaboration and teamwork students have displayed to help each other understand video lessons and challenging questions. For one of the first times in my class, I feel I am adequately promoting the idea of looking out for others! And as I have continued to share my ideas here, through Technology Conferences, Twitter, and with colleagues, I feel I am not unique in saying that I truly care more about what OUR students learn than the paycheck I earn!

Let's face it...odds are we all got into education for generally the same reason, "To make a difference in the lives of students!" It should not matter if I teach students math, my colleagues Mr. Dagit and Ms. Rodig teaches students math, Mr. Booth in Elkhorn, WI teaches students math, or Mr. Johnson teaches students math in Canada. If I can share something with them as teachers that will help students grow, don't I have an obligation to help? Isn't that the greatest impact I can have as a teacher?

Keep fighting the good fight.  Always remember, "Mistakes are Proof that you are Trying!"

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